Saturday, November 29, 2008

To My Chipotle Lovers...

Chipotle (Chi-pot-ul)

Oh my Chipotle
how I love thee.
Let me count the ways
I love you yesterday, today,
and for always.
Burrito or tacos,
you know how to satisfy me.
Tortilla or no tortilla?
No problem.
That burrito bowl is filled with
yummy goodness and
herb infused rice
which tantalizes my taste buds.
Medium salsa, mild or hot.
Don't forget to add the corn
and a dollop of sour cream.
Mmm, mmm, mmm!
And please don't forget the cheese.
Chipotle, my Chipotle,
you've satisfied my every craving,
and then some.
On nights when my stomach
was a rumbling,
and nothing else sounded
worth my while,
I'd drive my hungry self
to one of your thriving locations
and ordered myself a feast.
No too expensive and not too cheap.
You serve the best ingredients
for the best price.
And it is because of you,
my Chipotle,
that I am much more privileged
to have tasted your goodness.

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