Saturday, November 29, 2008

To My Chipotle Lovers...

Chipotle (Chi-pot-ul)

Oh my Chipotle
how I love thee.
Let me count the ways
I love you yesterday, today,
and for always.
Burrito or tacos,
you know how to satisfy me.
Tortilla or no tortilla?
No problem.
That burrito bowl is filled with
yummy goodness and
herb infused rice
which tantalizes my taste buds.
Medium salsa, mild or hot.
Don't forget to add the corn
and a dollop of sour cream.
Mmm, mmm, mmm!
And please don't forget the cheese.
Chipotle, my Chipotle,
you've satisfied my every craving,
and then some.
On nights when my stomach
was a rumbling,
and nothing else sounded
worth my while,
I'd drive my hungry self
to one of your thriving locations
and ordered myself a feast.
No too expensive and not too cheap.
You serve the best ingredients
for the best price.
And it is because of you,
my Chipotle,
that I am much more privileged
to have tasted your goodness.

Friday, November 28, 2008

To Be With You..

I dreamt of you today, yesterday, and
what seems to be always.
I know I can't have you,
my forbidden love, but
it is in my dreams
that I endure what I wish could be:
you and I together,
living each day
as though it were our last.
The feeling of knowing we can
laugh about the most random things,
crack jokes that only you and I
know the meaning, and
play around with each other
as though we were kids.
Sometimes, maybe even more than often,
I wonder if you feel the same as I do.
Seeing you walk into a room, flashing a smile,
can set my whole mood.
Do I do the same for you?
Maybe you don't even see me in the same light.
Maybe you don't even realize
that you and I can be
so right for each other.
No matter the deal, I know for a fact,
my feelings for you are real.
This is why it pains me
to see you everyday,
knowing I can't have you in any way.



that is what you are to me.

i could write a thousand lines

about your beauty and

that still wouldn't capture

your true essence of perfection.

there is something about

your mysterious eyes

that lead to a wounded path

deep into your loving soul.

a soul in which i hope to

one day get to know

like the back of my hand

or the pain in my heart

of yearning to be with you

and not being able to even

whisper words

of how wonderful i think you are

or how i wish i could hold you close,

even for a second.

because one second is better than nothing,

and not having you in my life

would be like not being able to breathe.

so for now i'll just continue to

love you...secretly...

and, from afar, admire your

imperfections and luminary smile,

your humor and your intelligence,

along with all the rest of who you are.


why do you have to make me weak in the knees

whenever you are around?

making it hard to just be myself.

why do you have to be so perfect?

it's as though g-d is teasing me

by bringing you into my life

because i can't even get a taste,

not even one little bite.

Top Friends Lists: How Important of a Friend Are You? (A Sarcastic Insight)

Myspace and Facebook have become a popular means of communication in today's age. And yet, these two websites have become a big reason for friendships and intimate relationships being put into jeopardy. Both websites have put peoples' lives out in the open, willingly. Yes, they are a means of keeping in touch with distant or rekindled friendships. But, they are also a source of finding out who really considers you a friend; and if they do consider you a friend, how special of a friend you are to them by being placed on their top friends list.

A top friends list can be the root of all evil or it can be like winning the lotto. If you've made it onto a friend's top 8, 12, or whatever the hell numbers they choose then congratulations are in order. You've just won the lotto of friendship. If you haven't made it onto a particular friend's top list, then sucks for you. I guess you're not really considered "special" to that person. Being lucky enough to have made the list makes you a special friend. "How special of a friend am I?" you might ask yourself. Well, just take a look at which number that friend has placed you at on the list. To those of you that didn't make the list this doesn't apply. If you are one of the winners then checking to see which number you've been placed at is of utter most importance. This is some serious shit in the cyber world of friendships.

Your number of placement on a top friends list is a sensitive subject and can be very hurtful when you feel that your friendship with someone is extraordinary enough for you to place that person at the top of your list only to find out that that "extraordinary friend" doesn't feel the same. For they have gone and placed you toward the bottom of their list. "I thought our friendship meant so much more," you might say to yourself as you heart sinks a little while you move that friend to the bottom of your list. Or, if bitter enough, you take them off of your list entirely. "Why don't you hang out with someone on your top four? Since it's obvious you consider them a better friend than me," you accidentally yell into the receiver of your phone while talking to your former friend. Just because you've been placed at the bottom of their list doesn't mean you have to get all postal. Nor does it mean that the friendship has to end. It just means that your friendship with that person isn't what you thought it was.

Then again, who's to say that placement on the list even really matters? Some place their friends in order of the length of time in which they've known that friend. And then there is the majority who place their friends in the order of importance. If you ask me, this whole top friends list is a load of crap. I don't need to know that my friend considers me one of their top 4 friends or not. As long as the friendship stays the same, there's no back-stabbing, lying, and they continue to laugh at my lame jokes then they are all right in my book. That's why I removed my top friends list from both Myspace and Facebook. For those who are my true friends, you know who you are. I don't need to place you in order of importance. And for those of you that wouldn't have made the list, if I had one, will never know.

This brings on some food for thought: Is it morally correct to classify your friends, numerically, on a list for the rest of the world to see? And if you make a top friends list, does the number your friend placed you at make you that much more or less special to your friend? Top friends lists remind me of being back in public school as a kid. To make the top friends list is like being the "in crowd" with the name brand clothing, and to not be on the list is like being a nobody at school wearing clothes from Wal-Mart.

For instance, a friend of mine, let's call her Madonna, had me on her list one notch ahead of a mutual friend we had, let's call her Tiffany. Tiffany was upset that I came before her on the list. Apparently she felt that her friendship with Madonna was more special than my friendship with Madonna. It got to the point where I told Madonna to take me off of her list completely because I'd rather not be on her list. I already knew that our friendship meant something to her regardless of where I was placed.

And that is why I feel a top friends list is a bunch of cockamamie. I mean, honestly, should our friendships be based on order of importance? Does it really matter whether or not I come before or after someone on a top friends list? Hell to the no. I'm just lucky enough to have the friends that I do have.

Cell Phone Dependent

While walking into a Target superstore yesterday evening something caught my attention. Sad to say it wasn’t the silver Porsche with the sexy young male driver, or the screaming two year old who walked a few feet behind her careless mother, almost getting hit by the hot guy in the Porsche. Instead, it was a decent looking 30-something Asian male. We reached the automatic doors almost simultaneously. Approaching, the male pulled out a cell phone from his pocket, speed dialing someone on his call list. His mother? Lover? Or possibly his significant other? Who the hell knows. What I do know is that this action of his made me think: Are we that dependent on our cell phones that we cannot go to a store, or out in public for that matter, without text messaging or making a phone call?


After passing through the doors I noticed something else. The man hung up his phone, never speaking to anyone, placing the cell phone back into his pocket. What came to mind next was: Damn, I do the same thing. I began to think of all the times I’ve gone to stores by myself. The realization was that I, too, am a victim to this cell phone dependency. Practically every time I go to a store, alone, I tend to reach for my phone. Whether or not I need to contact someone is not the point. The feeling of security or being at ease by having some form of a familiar human contact is what my cell phone brings me. Even if it’s just to dial my voicemail, never speaking to anyone, does it make me feel naturally at ease when out and about by myself. Now, for those who know me, know that I’m constantly messing with my phone even when I am around friends and family. The cell phone has become a sort of addiction for me, so to speak. This leads me to believe that I’m not the only one dependent on my cell phone.


Upon entering Target I was greeted with a wide array of shoppers jabbering away on their cell phone. I noticed that those who were on their cell phones were the ones that were shopping alone. Those who had company showed no signs of a cell phone at hand. I must admit, I, too, pulled out my handy cell phone at some point in time of my duration at Target. I began to think again: Are we really dependent on our cell phones, or dependent on the human contact / connection the cell phone brings?


Sure, we can go out shopping by ourselves or go out to eat or go to the movies alone and have human contact with other people around us, but it’s not the same as having the contact with familiar family and friends. Hell, even sitting here in the office with my cell phone on vibrate in my bedroom has me wanting to run into my room to see if I’ve missed any phone calls or text messages. This is probably why people have turned to online dating, because when out and about in public places they have their cell phone attached to their ear, prohibiting conversations with the people around them. This makes me wonder how many people I could’ve possibly gotten to know had it not been for my cell phone.


I’m thinking of a challenge now, for myself and for those reading this: Could you really go a day, from sun up to sun down, without your cell phone? This includes no wondering what cell phone calls you’re missing or who could possibly be text messaging you. I’m thinking about taking on this challenge, but not quite sure if I’m ready for it yet. How about you?